Some daily habits for good hormone health for women.

1. 🍳Eat within 30min of waking up: Skipping breakfast can be perceived as stress on the body + cortisol is released. Eating also helps control hunger hormones later in the day

2. Morning light: ☀️Regulates our circadian rhythm, boosts your mood, balances your hormones + starts your day with calm

3. 🥕Veggies before carbs: Fibre in the veggies will slow the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, creating a stable blood sugar + reduces stress on the body. And also reduces afternoon cravings/slumps

4. 📲Leave your phone alone in AM and PM: Blue light from your phone blocks your sleep hormones and lights your brain up like fireworks. So instead of sleeping, you will feel wide awake + your brain will wake you up earlier to get another dose of it. Also increases rise in cortisol (stress hormone)

5. Gratitude + deep breathing: Resets your nervous system and promotes rest + relaxation so your body can focus on other responsibilities, instead of being in a stressed state

6. Cycle tracking: Certain phases in your cycle you will have less energy, less motivation and less self-confidence, so knowing this will make you feel less betrayed by your body and more intuitive with yourself.

7. Caffeine non-negotiables: ☕️ Caffeine after breakfast and not after 2pm👊🏼

8. 🌊Grounding: Connecting with nature and the earth brings instant peace and reduces stress/anxiety. Important for hormone balance and helps with PMS.

It doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming.